plant reproduction

  • How to Grow a Wildflower Garden From Seed (and Why You Should)

    How to Grow a Wildflower Garden From Seed (and Why You Should)

    Wildflowers bring a beautiful array of colour to your garden, and they come in more varieties than you might realise. And in addition to being beautiful, wildflowers attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, so they’re great for the rest of your garden as well as the local wildlife.

  • Avoid These Common Gardening Mistakes

    Avoid These Common Gardening Mistakes

    The whole idea that certain people with “green thumbs” are naturally better at growing plants than others makes it sound like gardening is more about luck than skill. But, as anyone who has tried their hand at starting a garden armed only with the information they retained from elementary school science class can tell you,…

  • How to Stop Flowers From Wilting for As Long As Possible

    How to Stop Flowers From Wilting for As Long As Possible

    It always warms my heart to receive a bouquet of flowers. This is a frequent occurrence for me, due to my many, many suitors. At the same time, taking care of flowers also brings me a lot of stress. After all, a bouquet of flowers, much like love, is fleeting. The wilt is inevitable —…

  • How to Grow Your Own Sunflowers (and Harvest Their Seeds)

    How to Grow Your Own Sunflowers (and Harvest Their Seeds)

    Not only are sunflowers beautiful plants, they’re also resilient ones that love direct sun and hot days. Plus, their large heads produce seeds that are healthy and snackable, making sunflowers a decorative and edible plant for your seasonal garden. Here’s how to grow happy and healthy sunflowers, and how to harvest those seeds.