picky eaters

  • A Dietitian’s Hacks For Feeding Picky Children

    A Dietitian’s Hacks For Feeding Picky Children

    Feeding children can be a struggle. When our kids were toddlers, my neighbour and I would trade kitchen-table war stories at 9 a.m. “I just made three different breakfasts,” she would tell me, “and he wouldn’t eat any of them.” The easiest thing to do is give in: “Here! Fine! Subsist on dino nuggets and…

  • Feed Your Kid Dinner At 3PM

    Feed Your Kid Dinner At 3PM

    With school-aged children, there is a period of gastrointestinal chaos, and that period is every weekday from 3 to 6PM. Around 3PM, when many kids get out of school, they’re famished. The moment my daughter gets buckled up in the car, she looks at me like a sad pigeon and begs, “Snack. Do you have…