pandemic parenting
Have Your Kid Write a Letter to Their Post-Pandemic Self
I was struck the other day by the most basic pre-pandemic desire: I wish I could go out to eat with my husband and son. It’s not that I miss the food that much — we’ve gotten a lot of takeout and dined outdoors a few times before winter hit. It’s that I miss the…
How to Help Kids Who Feel Isolated Right Now
Over the winter, when it became clear that my 10-year-old son’s school was going to offer both face-to-face and virtual options for returning to school in the autumn, his mum and I wanted him to feel like he had input into whatever decision was made.
How to Take Your Kid’s School Pictures at Home
The pandemic has taken so much from us — but do you know what it doesn’t have to take? Our kid’s awkwardly posed school pictures (complete with traditional blue or grey background), that’s what.
Transform Your Home Into a Virtual Haunted House on Halloween
I’m going to make a radical statement: I think Halloween will be more fun for kids this year, not less fun. Of all the things this year has taken from us and our kids, I am feeling a true revolt out there against the idea that social distancing will also take away the joy our…