
  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Learning How to Cook

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Learning How to Cook

    You can’t really call yourself an adult unless you have some familiarity with the kitchen, so the worst cooking sin of all is not knowing how to cook. But I get that learning to turn cold foods into hot foods can be intimidating, so I’ve put together this list of seven huge cooking “don’ts.”

  • What You Should Do The Week Before Holiday Dinners

    What You Should Do The Week Before Holiday Dinners

    It’s a little too early to buy your perishables and start baking pies, but only a little. There may be an entire month between now and the 25th of December, but pushing everything onto those last few days will make things very stressful, and you should enjoy one last “normal” weekend before The Holidays kick…

  • Rescue Your Cast Iron From Rust With Vinegar

    Rescue Your Cast Iron From Rust With Vinegar

    Cast iron pans are great for everything from breakfast to baking, but the downside is that they do require a little more maintenance than your average pot or pan. We’ve discussed several ways to season cast iron here at Lifehacker (including some that go against the “accepted wisdom”), but what if your roomie let your…