
  • 12 Sex Myths Busted By Science

    Ever since you learnt what was between your legs, you probably had questions. Those questions inevitably lead to answers. It’s likely not all of those answers are grounded in actual fact. Now it’s time to bust all those myths you’ve heard about the birds and the bees — with science.

  • You Don’t Actually Have To Sit Up Straight

    Back pain isn’t caused by sitting or standing wrong, a group of physical therapists recently clarified in a journal article. We often talk about posture as if it were a thing we need to perform correctly, but that’s not what the evidence on back pain actually tells us.

  • Stop Being Afraid Of MSG

    Stop Being Afraid Of MSG

    If you’re still afraid of the seasoning MSG giving you headaches, you should know you’ve bought into a decades-old myth. Don’t despair! Now that you know the truth, you can go celebrate with a meal at your favourite MSG-using restaurant, or treat yourself to a cute panda-shaped bottle of the stuff.