money challenge
January Money Challenge: Establish Your Financial Foundation
In 2019, we’re bringing back monthly financial challenges on Two Cents (you can see 2017’s version here). Each is meant to help us focus on a different aspect of our money, and, ideally, develop small changes into measurable differences in our financial lives.
October’s Money Challenge: Clean Out Your Closets For Cash
The end of the year is approaching quickly, and as we get closer to December, we want to focus on saving for the holidays. So this month, our challenge is simple: Clean out your closets and make some extra cash while you’re at it.
May’s Money Challenge: Let’s Haggle
Happy May, money nerds — it’s time for our next challenge. This month, we’re bringing back a classic. We want you to flex your negotiation muscle and start haggling.
The Lifehacker Money Challenge Is Back!
Welcome to the second annual Lifehacker Ultimate Money Challenge. After considering your feedback, we’ve decided to once again challenge you throughout the year with a new financial goal every month. This month’s? The 30-Day Savings Challenge.