mayo clinic

  • Your Phone Is Even Grosser Than You Think

    Your Phone Is Even Grosser Than You Think

    We touch our phones some 2,617 times a day (that includes every swipe and tap). We take them with us everywhere: bathrooms, gyms, subways, and buses. They’re like an extra limb or appendage. And while most of us think to clean doorknobs, faucets, or anything else in contact with our hands, we rarely think of…

  • You’re Probably Using These Psychological Terms Wrong on Social Media

    You’re Probably Using These Psychological Terms Wrong on Social Media

    When I first joined TikTok in 2020, I couldn’t go a day without seeing videos about narcissists, “toxic” exes, or emotionally absent parents. While narcissists obviously do exist, the content was so prevalent that you’d be forgiven for thinking narcissists were as common as people named Bob. Narcissism had become the new “OCD” — that…

  • Watch for These Signs of Severe Brain Injury After Bumping Your Head

    Watch for These Signs of Severe Brain Injury After Bumping Your Head

    Comedian Bob Saget’s January death was recently revealed by his family and the Florida medical examiner’s office to be a result of accidental head trauma. “They [the authorities] have concluded that he accidentally hit the back of his head on something, thought nothing of it and went to sleep,” his family’s statement said. “No drugs…