
  • How to Respond to Every Type of Annoying Airline Passenger

    How to Respond to Every Type of Annoying Airline Passenger

    Airline passengers who are simply annoying, if not dangerously so, are so common, no one bothers to count them. You know the type: people who get drunk and belligerent at altitude, try to convert you to Christianity while you’re trapped in the middle seat, let their kids run wild, or put their bare feet on…

  • Is It Ever Acceptable To FaceTime In Public?

    Everyone’s got an opinion about everyone else’s terrible tech manners: how you should behave online, when and where it’s ok to use your phone, which emoji are acceptable at work, whether that email was rude or just terse. We’re looking to put these divisive issues to rest, or at least to offer a voice of…

  • Stop Feeling Awkward About Thanking People

    It’s good to recognise what’s good in your life (even, and especially, when it seems as though the rest is terrible). But if you express that in the form of gratitude journals, prayers or meditation, you’re sort of making that feeling a solitary one. What about the people in your life you’re truly thankful for?…