
  • Why You Should Set Your Sights on Fulfilment Rather Than Happiness

    Why You Should Set Your Sights on Fulfilment Rather Than Happiness

    Too often we are asked the dreaded question (“So, what’s next?”), when you leave a job or finish studying. Often it’s paired with unsolicited and outdated, or at least largely unrealistic, career advice like “Find a job that makes you happy.” But these clichés lean heavily on the idea that happiness should be our ultimate…

  • Can We Ever Truly Separate Work From Our Personal Lives?

    Can We Ever Truly Separate Work From Our Personal Lives?

    Acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, the Apple TV series Severance, released last year, centred around a group of employees working at a firm called Lumon Industries who are truly able to split their work and personal lives. When they are at the office, employees do not remember anything about the outside world and when…