
  • 7 Things You Need to Start Backyard Camping

    7 Things You Need to Start Backyard Camping

    My daughter finally broke a generational curse. When I was a kid, my parents would sometimes set up a tent in the backyard for us to play in, but we were never quite brave enough to spend the night out there. The same was true for my older kids. But when the little one insisted…

  • How the ‘Primacy Effect’ Can Help You Remember Information

    How the ‘Primacy Effect’ Can Help You Remember Information

    Your brain is complex, but once you figure out its little intricacies — like that it can only store about seven units of information in short-term memory — you can exploit them to help you remember more things. It’s not just the amount of information present that affects your memory, though. Even the order in…

  • You Can Overcome ‘Creative Mortification’

    You Can Overcome ‘Creative Mortification’

    Have you ever suffered creative mortification? Coined by educator Ronald Beghetto, the term describes losing your willingness to pursue a creative avenue following a negative outcome. Maybe you gave up on stand-up comedy forever after your set at the open mic night was met with murmurs instead of laughs, or you burned your accordion after…