Make This the Year Your Kids Don’t Lose Their Marker Caps
If anyone knows the daily frustration of lost marker caps strewn across the floor — and, consequently, dried-out markers left in their wake — it is a kindergarten teacher. But one such teacher has a trick that worked in her classroom last year and can also work for parents at home this year: Duct tape…
Help Your Kid Learn Sight Words With This Trick
Kindergarteners have a lot on their plate. They’re getting adept at recognising letters and numbers, they’re counting in sequence, they’re learning how to sound out words and then they’re learning that many words in English can’t actually be “sounded out.” Words like “their,” “know,” “who” and “does” are among approximately 100 words they must memorise…
Things Your Kid Should Know Before Kindergarten
I have a friend who took kindergarten prep very seriously. When her son began getting homework in preschool (“homework” and “preschool” being two words that should never go together) and he couldn’t properly identify on the homework that “car” started with the letter “C,” she freaked out.