
  • Conserve Your Mac’s Battery Power With This Keyboard Setting

    Conserve Your Mac’s Battery Power With This Keyboard Setting

    Whenever I fly, I always end up dialling the brightness down on my laptop to its lowest possible setting. In some cases, I’m straining my eyes to be able to see what’s on the screen, but it’s worth it for the precious few extra minutes of battery life I might get while I’m in the…

  • Find Emoji Faster With Emojicopy

    Find Emoji Faster With Emojicopy

    Windows/Mac: I casually mentioned the existence of Emojicopy the other day in one of our secret Lifehacker chat rooms, and I was surprised to find that nobody else had ever heard of this site. Which then got me thinking: How do most people hunt down emoji to drop into messages, blog posts and other important…