iphone 12 pro

  • Why Your New iPhone Is Way More Scratched Than Your Old One

    Why Your New iPhone Is Way More Scratched Than Your Old One

    My iPhone’s display is a mess. Some of that mess makes sense: I expect nicks and scratches on my screen when my iPhone, say, falls out of my pocket onto cement. However, many of these scratches have mysteriously accumulated over time, through no misuse of my own. Under direct sunlight, it’s a massacre. If your…

  • You Can Finally Use Face ID Without Removing Your Mask

    You Can Finally Use Face ID Without Removing Your Mask

    Face ID is a great iPhone feature — when your iPhone can see your face, that is. While wearing a mask helps protect you and those around you from COVID, it also blocks you from unlocking your phone with your face. Apple added a workaround to this problem for those of us with Apple Watches,…

  • How Does the Pixel 6 Stack Up Against the iPhone 13?

    How Does the Pixel 6 Stack Up Against the iPhone 13?

    Google’s latest phones, the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, are finally here. You can even head to their online store right now to preorder your model! But do you really know what phone you want? Have you made a decision between the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro — and, if so, are you sure…