
  • You Should Pre-Order Apple Music Classical Today

    You Should Pre-Order Apple Music Classical Today

    You use Apple Music to listen to your favourite tunes, and, for the most part, it’s a good experience. However, have you ever tried searching for classical music on the service? It’s kind of a nightmare. It isn’t Apple Music’s fault, necessarily. Your average streaming platform is going to have a difficult time organising the…

  • 8 Ways You Can Turn Your Smartphone Into a Basicphone

    8 Ways You Can Turn Your Smartphone Into a Basicphone

    Your smartphone has ruined your life. You’re hopelessly addicted to the empty dopamine drip doled out by algorithms that know you better than you know yourself. You recognise this. But also, you’re no hermit. You want to keep in touch with friends and family with phone calls and text messages, minus the baggage that comes…

  • How to Get iMessage on Windows

    How to Get iMessage on Windows

    iMessage is Apple’s golden goose, ensuring many iOS users never dare stray from the Apple ecosystem, lest we end up a dreaded green text on someone else’s iPhone. Luckily, the times are a-changin’, and it is not longer entirely up to Apple which devices we can use to send and receive iMessages. While Android remains…