
  • What Does ‘OK’ Stand For, Anyway?

    What Does ‘OK’ Stand For, Anyway?

    As a linguistic phrase, OK is something of a phenomenon, travelling from American English into hundreds of other languages. And there are tons of myths about how OK emerged to mean that things are hunky-dory. But which story is correct? The truth is a little bit goofy.

  • How To Meditate (And Get The Most Benefit Out Of It)

    How To Meditate (And Get The Most Benefit Out Of It)

    Neuroscientists and psychologists keep discovering more health benefits from mindfulness meditation. And luckily, it’s a simple practice, that virtually anyone can do. But how do you get started, and how do you get the most rewards from the practice? Here’s our quick and easy guide to meditating.

  • Why Teenage Brains Are Different From Everyone Else’s

    Why Teenage Brains Are Different From Everyone Else’s

    Being a teenager is as infuriating as it is amazing. Caught between childhood and adulthood, adolescents often have fully developed bodies, but their brains are still under construction. Here’s what neuroscience is learning about the remarkable teenage brain, and how it affects behaviour.