intimate relationships

  • When to Be Honest With Your Partner, and When a White Lie is OK

    When to Be Honest With Your Partner, and When a White Lie is OK

    Just how honest are you with your partner? We know that “honesty is the best policy” when it comes to establishing trust within a relationship—but is there such a thing as too much honesty? For example, if your partner cooked a pasta dish that you absolutely loathed, will you tell them the truth or will…

  • There Are Seven Love Languages Now, and One Might Be Yours

    There Are Seven Love Languages Now, and One Might Be Yours

    You’ve almost certainly heard of “love languages” and you probably also know there are five of them. Or, there were. In 1992, Gary Chapman released a book explaining this theory of interpersonal dynamics, and delving into the five ways people can display affection to their partners — words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, actives…