
  • Don’t Buy These Apple Products (and What to Buy Instead)

    Don’t Buy These Apple Products (and What to Buy Instead)

    Most of the products that Apple is selling today are worth considering — but there are a few stragglers the company continues to sell that aren’t worth their tempting prices. Some of these products aren’t going to get software updates for much longer, and others have a better alternative for a slightly higher price. If…

  • Everything You Need to Game on a Mac

    Everything You Need to Game on a Mac

    Are Macs good gaming machines? Sorta. Macs, and MacBooks especially, aren’t optimised for gaming to say the least, and many games simply do not support macOS. That said, Mac gaming has come a long way in the past few years, and it’s easier than ever to find and play games on an Apple computers (you…

  • Apple’s Latest Update Can Brick Your Mac

    Apple’s Latest Update Can Brick Your Mac

    When it comes to updates, especially from Apple, I’m usually one to say install it ASAP. After all, these updates usually go through weeks, if not months, of beta testing — plenty of time to find and weed out the big bugs. However, even with fun new features like Universal Control, you should be warned…