ikea hackers

  • Top 15 Geekiest IKEA Hacks

    All IKEA hacks are geeky — but some IKEA hacks are more geeky than others. Here are 15 of the nerdiest/coolest DIY projects to ever grace IKEA Hacker’s archive: from a miniature bedroom Bat-signal to your very own remote-controlled robot.

  • Hack An IKEA Stolman Shelf Into A Sturdy Projector Ceiling Mount

    Projector mounts tend to come in two primary guises: stylish or affordable. This DIY IKEA mount manages to combine both types while being incredibly sturdy to boot. It also requires minimal alterations to your ceiling or wall which is handy if you’re renting. Here’s what you’ll need to make one of your own.

  • Top 10 Most Popular IKEA Hacks Ever

    Last week, we reported on IKEA’s bone-headed decision to send a cease-and-desist letter to IKEAhackers. The creators of the popular DIY site have been ordered to give up the ‘IKEAhackers’ name and cease all forms of advertising on their website. While the writing’s not on the wall just yet (especially after a partial backdown by…