
  • Remove Rust Spots On Knives With Vinegar

    Remove Rust Spots On Knives With Vinegar

    The knife is the most important tool in the kitchen. But over time, they develop those pesky red rust stains, either from regular use, or maybe because it didn’t dry completely after a previous wash. The best way to clean those is to leave the knife in a mug of vinegar for five minutes.

  • Top 10 Clever Ways To Repurpose Your Kitchen Scraps

    Top 10 Clever Ways To Repurpose Your Kitchen Scraps

    Vegetable peels, coffee grounds, corn cobs, dryer lint — they’re all waste for sure, but there’s treasure in that trash. You could compost them, that’s obvious, but let’s talk about some more clever ways to reuse those kitchen scraps before they make it to the bin.