house hunting
How Your Job Affects Your Ability To Secure A Home Loan [Infographic]
A successful home loan application generally requires a steady job. However, there are a range of additional factors that can seriously hamper your borrowing power with banks, even if your salary is higher than average. This superhero-themed infographic outlines the various occupational pitfalls that can trip up applicants.
The Way Australia Taxes Housing Is Manifestly Unfair
When politicians talk about tax and fairness, it’s easy for them to point out undeserved loopholes benefiting the wealthy, or multinational companies. But the elephant in the room is the difference between those who own and those who rent (or have recently bought and have huge mortgages) the house they live in. The tax advantages…
How Much Does A $700,000 Property In Sydney Really Cost? [Infographic]
Buying a house involves more than slapping down a deposit and moving in. There are all manner of hidden costs and financial complexities that ramp up the total price significantly. Once you factor in stamp duty, conveyance fees, mortgage insurance and miscellaneous bank fees, you can expect to pay tens of thousands of dollars more…