
  • Avoid These Common Gardening Mistakes

    Avoid These Common Gardening Mistakes

    The whole idea that certain people with “green thumbs” are naturally better at growing plants than others makes it sound like gardening is more about luck than skill. But, as anyone who has tried their hand at starting a garden armed only with the information they retained from elementary school science class can tell you,…

  • Why Your Seeds Aren’t Sprouting

    Why Your Seeds Aren’t Sprouting

    While our elementary school science classes may have taught us the basics about seeds and how to plant them, if you’ve gotten into gardening as an adult, you’ve probably figured out that there’s plenty more to learn. And unfortunately, growing a plant isn’t necessarily as simple as putting a few seeds in dirt and adding…

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Owning Houseplants

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Owning Houseplants

    If killing houseplants was a crime, I’d be on death row — my past is littered with the corpses of philodendron, ferns, and spider plants. I’ve made every mistake possible, from watering them too much, to burning them with too much light, to salting their soil through over fertilizing.