high intensity interval training

  • Why Do so Many TikTok Influencers Want Us to Do Pilates?

    Why Do so Many TikTok Influencers Want Us to Do Pilates?

    The latest bit of fitness misinformation is making the rounds on TikTok, but I’ve seen it cropping up other places, too. Young women are singing the praises of Pilates (sometimes alongside barre, yoga, and walking), saying it helped them lose weight and tone their muscles where lifting weights did not. Something about cortisol. And I’m…

  • How Short Can a Workout Be and Still Be Effective?

    How Short Can a Workout Be and Still Be Effective?

    Ultra-short exercise protocols tend to have a life cycle like this: First, a researcher comes up with a question to which an unbelievably short workout might be an answer. Then, they do a study that shows people improved some aspect of fitness while doing it. Next, the New York Times writes about it. And last…