
  • 25 Movies That Are Basically Perfect

    25 Movies That Are Basically Perfect

    Some of the very best movies of all time have flaws that aren’t terminal, but that are nevertheless prominent: a questionable performance, a problematic element, an ending that doesn’t quite land. That’s fine: a film that takes risks is generally preferable to one that’s technically proficient but dull, and a movie can be great without…

  • 27 Movies to Stream When You Need a Good Cry

    27 Movies to Stream When You Need a Good Cry

    The past year has inundated us with so many horrors — untold lives needlessly lost to a virus allowed to proliferate unchecked, so many others forever damaged by the ongoing pandemic of racism, not to mention the ever-present specters of economic uncertainty and looming climate disaster — I won’t fault you if you’ve become numb…