
  • How to Move Your Seedlings Outside Without Killing Them

    How to Move Your Seedlings Outside Without Killing Them

    Welcome to Fake Spring, a time of high anxiety for gardeners all across Australia. We’ve spent the winter consuming seed catalogues like porn, stalking garden centres like pervs, and now we are jonesing for one thing: ten-degree soil. If you’ve ever checked the back of a seed packet, they all contain one phrase: “before last…

  • I’m Begging You to Not Ignore Your ‘Filter Reset’ Light

    I’m Begging You to Not Ignore Your ‘Filter Reset’ Light

    Window air conditioners are typically used in apartment buildings and older homes without central air. Most people install it in their window, plug it in, and forget it, but at some point that “filter reset” button comes on and you find yourself scratching your head on how to replace it.