food preservation
9 Foods You Should Not Refrigerate (But Probably Do)
Lowering a food’s temperature can prolong freshness and stave off bacterial growth — but in some cases, it can also change its texture and flavour for the worse.
You Need a Different Ice Box in Your Freezer
Open, free-floating ice trays — even the silicone ones — are no way to store ice. They’re prone to breaking, being stinky, and there’s always one ice cube that will never let go.
Finish Your Dish With a Splash of Pickle Juice
Knowing how to finish a dish is what separates the great home cooks from the merely good ones. That extra bit of attention to detail not only makes your food taste better, it makes it feel intentional and complete. If your meal is a sentence, the finishing touches are the period, or perhaps an exclamation…
The Right Way to Freeze Milk and Heavy Cream
I’m one of those sickos who will drink a tall, cold glass of whole milk just for the taste. It’s probably the most perverted aspect of my personality — and the competition is stiff! — and definitely the whitest thing about me. I come from one of those families that serves milk to the children…