
  • Make A ‘Homework Mat’ For Your Kid

    One thing I don’t like about homework for young kids is the fact that after they’ve just spent a whole day sitting at a desk at school, we direct them to another desk at home. It’s inhibiting. Their bodies are wiggly and restless and begging to move.

  • Use This GIF To Breathe Better

    Use This GIF To Breathe Better

    In her newsletter My Sweet Dumb Brain, Katie Hawkins-Gaar writes about the importance of taking time to breathe. Not, you know, the unconscious kind of breathing you do to stay alive, but thoughtful, slow breathing, to help you stay grounded and feel your place in the world.

  • Focus On Accomplishing One Task Today

    Focus On Accomplishing One Task Today

    Today is the last day of the week. It’s also the last day of the month. And the end of the year isn’t too far off either. There’s no need to conquer your entire to-do list. Rather, focus on one attainable goal — finishing up the company newsletter, prepping for a presentation, scheduling year-end doctor…