fitness challenge
Challenge Your Balance With These One-Sided Exercises
We’ve talked about how to balance on one foot and on your hands, but sometimes it’s nice to do an exercise that isn’t just about balance. Plenty of standard strength training moves can be done in a one-sided way, challenging your brain and body and giving you a heck of a core workout.
How To Find The Perfect Playground For Your Workout
As a parent, I have a mental map of many of the playgrounds in my area. Which ones are closest, which ones are shadiest on a sunny day, which ones have equipment that’s best for younger kids. But it takes time to build up that kind of knowledge.
The June Fitness Challenge Is Playgrounds
This month we’re going to get outside and exercise on the playground! Swings, slides and monkey bars all make great workout equipment, plus you’re usually surrounded by park benches, trees and other structures to use creatively. This is gonna be fun.
This June, We’re Going To Do Burpees And Like It
Sure, fine, burpees are tough and we hate them. But they are a phenomenal full-body workout, and it won’t kill you to try just one. Maybe two. (Or 10. You know where this is going.) We’re all going to be so strong by the end of the month!