evil week

  • Top Ten Careers That Attract Psychopaths

    If you’ve been in the workplace for any extended period of time, chances are you’ve encountered a psychopath at some point in your career. Contrary to popular belief, not all psychopaths are serial killers or axe murderers. In fact, only a small minority of psychopaths are actually violent at all. Instead, you’ll find that psychopaths…

  • How To Cheat In Your Favourite Video Games

    A lot of games require a big time investment — at least, if you want to have the best gear, the funniest emotes, the most locations unlocked, a shot at completing all the achievements, etc. And while you could play fair and square, you could also be that person and use hacks, exploits, or other…

  • Make This Tiny Violin To Play When Your Friends Start Whining

    Make This Tiny Violin To Play When Your Friends Start Whining

    When your friends express hurt feelings over something you deem trivial, it is appropriate to take the piss out of them by miming a violin performance. If you want to take your mockery to the next level, this video tutorial explains how to make tiny violins out of paddle pop sticks.