
  • Here Are the Signs You Might Have Adult Dyslexia (and What to Do About It)

    Here Are the Signs You Might Have Adult Dyslexia (and What to Do About It)

    Most dyslexic people are diagnosed in childhood, but the disorder can be overlooked and remain untreated into adulthood, which can lead to a different set of symptoms and struggles. There’s more to dyslexia than the common assumption that it simply makes people mirror or flip letters in their brains. Numerous other symptoms impact memory, attention,…

  • Why TikTok is Surprisingly Great For Learning New Languages

    Why TikTok is Surprisingly Great For Learning New Languages

    Social media are becoming an increasingly integral part of our everyday lives. We’re spending more time on our phones, but this is mostly on unproductive activities, which can take a serious toll on mental and physical well-being. But what if we could make this time productive? For example, spending time on social media could help…