editor’s picks

  • Bitcoin Is Not A Good Way To Get Started With Investing

    Bitcoin Is Not A Good Way To Get Started With Investing

    “I don’t trust investing,” a friend said once. I asked her why. “Isn’t it kind of like playing the lottery?” she asked. Investing is intimidating enough for people as it is. Toss in something as unpredictable as cryptocurrency, and people give up on it altogether. It reinforces the notion that investing is like buying a…

  • 10 Kitchen Tools That Are Worth Their Investment

    10 Kitchen Tools That Are Worth Their Investment

    We’ve discussed kitchen tools everyone should have, and tools everyone on a budget should have, but if you’re willing to put a little money into your home cooking, here are some solid kitchen tools that may cost a little more than usual, but will pay you back in flavour, time saved, or just plain quality…

  • Money Is Not Your Enemy Or A Goal: It’s A Tool

    Money Is Not Your Enemy Or A Goal: It’s A Tool

    Most of us don’t have a healthy relationship with money. We think of it as enemy — something that constantly gets in our way, or we think of it as a goal, something that will solve all of our problems. In reality, money is just a tool. Realising this changed my habits in some interesting…