
  • How Dangerous Is Expired Salad Dressing?

    How Dangerous Is Expired Salad Dressing?

    For some reason, people of a certain age love to collect bottles of expired salad dressing. In fact, a recently expired bottle of supermarket dressing in my own fridge is just one more damning piece of evidence I am slowly morphing into my grandmother, one food item at a time (the package of cheap bologna…

  • Make This Sunny Salad Dressing Out Of Whole Kumquats

    Make This Sunny Salad Dressing Out Of Whole Kumquats

    During this season of candy and comfort food, eating a vegetable almost feels like a treat, particularly if it’s a raw vegetable. But unless it’s well dressed, consuming a pile of plant parts (also known as a “salad”) can be a lacklustre affair, which is why I’m thrilled to tell you the good news about…