draftblaq son

  • How to Break Through a Lifting Plateau

    How to Break Through a Lifting Plateau

    When you start lifting, those first few weeks are bliss. Sure, maybe you’re sore sometimes and get confused about how to do each new exercise, but you can add weight to the bar every week, maybe every workout, and you feel unstoppable. No gain train goes on forever though, so what do you do when…

  • 11 Self-Sabotaging Phrases to Drop From Your Vocabulary

    11 Self-Sabotaging Phrases to Drop From Your Vocabulary

    Sometimes we say things to ourselves that aren’t in our self-interest. Calling yourself a loser or saying “I’m such an idiot” every time you make a mistake isn’t having a positive effect on your self-esteem (on the other hand, you should definitely try affirmations), but beyond the obviously negative self-talk, there are a host of…

  • How to Get Your Stubborn-Arse Toddler Into Their Car Seat

    How to Get Your Stubborn-Arse Toddler Into Their Car Seat

    You’ve already gotten underwear, pants, and a shirt on your toddler who really prefers doing life in the buff. They have reluctantly acquiesced to socks and shoes, and you’ve managed to brush their teeth for the requisite eight seconds that qualifies as thorough for the age group. And now, you must get the most contrarian…