
  • The Cheapskate’s Guide To Cleaning Your Car [Infographic]

    The Cheapskate’s Guide To Cleaning Your Car [Infographic]

    At some point in your car’s lifespan, you’ve probably considered having the interior and exterior professionally cleaned. If you’re anything like me, you then looked at the quoted price tag and went “yeah, nah.” Grime adds charm and character, right? Well, it turns out you don’t need to spend a fortune to make your car…

  • Ask LH: Where Can I Learn Home Improvement Skills?

    Ask LH: Where Can I Learn Home Improvement Skills?

    Dear Lifehacker, I just moved into my own place! It’s my first home, and I’m excited. However, I know there are repairs I’ll have to do myself, and I have some improvements I’d like to make too. Problem is, I don’t know where to begin. How do I use these tools, and where do I…

  • Cut The Sleeves Off Your Sweatshirt Already

    Cut The Sleeves Off Your Sweatshirt Already

    I can’t believe I reached my mid-30s before this occurred to me. I’ll loaf around, pre- and post-gym, in workout gear that never has enough (rarely any) pockets. In cold weather, a jacket or hoodie solves the problem nicely. But in the summer? You can wear a sleeveless hoodie.