How To Ask Someone To Spot You On The Bench Press
Bench pressing can be fucking terrifying. I still have nightmares of being crushed to death by a barbell and meeting my end in a city gym — but if you have a spotter and communicate adequately with them, you shouldn’t worry so much.
You’re Going To Die, Here’s How To Deal With It
Aside from birth, the only other thing that is guaranteed to happen to every single person on the planet is death. No exceptions, no way around it. Your own death aside, chances are good that you will be affected by deaths of loved ones and most likely have to plan a funeral or two before…
Ask LH: How Deep Does A Grave Have To Be In Australia?
Hey Lifehacker, What is the law in Australia in regards to human burial? Is it really mandatory for it to be six feet under? And does it have to be in a cemetery?
How Personal Rituals Can Help You Deal With Grief
Grief is a complicated emotion. While we all tend to deal with loss in different ways, an article by The Atlantic points to research that shows just how much personal rituals can help you deal with your grief.