
  • 12 of the Best Movie Detectives Ever

    12 of the Best Movie Detectives Ever

    Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) is back three years after lacerating a rich bunch of arseholes in Knives Out, and Glass Onion throws an even bigger anti-wealthy mystery at him, proving Netflix was, er, on the money in shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars to turn the character into the next Sherlock Holmes. Is the…

  • What Is Subornation Of Perjury?

    What Is Subornation Of Perjury?

    Last week, BuzzFeed News published evidence that US president Donald Trump actively instructed his ex-personal counsel Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about the Trump Tower Moscow project. If your twitter timeline is full of Twitter Lawyers screaming about subornation of perjury and you aren’t quite sure what it means, here’s what you need to…