
  • How to Use a Semicolon the Correct Way

    How to Use a Semicolon the Correct Way

    Colons and semicolons are the indie rock of punctuation marks. They’re not mainstream-popular like the period. They aren’t obvious and eager-to-please like the exclamation mark. They’re not everywhere like the comma. But the colon and the semicolon have passion. They’re quirky, snobby, and sometimes prickly. These I-was-using-them-before-they-were-cool punctuation marks are like Jay and Michael Aston…

  • When to Use the Em Dash — and the En Dash and 3 Em Dash

    When to Use the Em Dash — and the En Dash and 3 Em Dash

    If you want to master some of the more mysterious elements of grammar, we’re going to have to talk about dashes — yes, those simple horizontal lines that seem to present themselves unannounced, only to stretch your prose further along the page. Did you know there are three — yes, three whole kinds of dashes…