
  • Get Fun Countdown Timers For Kids From YouTube

    Get Fun Countdown Timers For Kids From YouTube

    If you google “15 minute timer”, or any length of time like that, then Google will automatically open and start that timer. But it will also show you several YouTube timers of that length. They aren’t much good as kitchen timers or productivity timers — if you try to google one up, Google’s already started…

  • This Celery Root Dish Tastes Like Lasagne

    Video: When you think of celery root, you probably think of heavy, creamy dishes that stick to your ribs. What you don’t think of, probably, is lasagne. But Chef Jonathan Tam of Copenhagen’s Restaurant Relae is known for using vegetables in unexpected ways, and this flaky, buttery, lasagne-tasting root vegetable is a prime example of…

  • ‘Sharia Law’ Isn’t What You Think It Is

    Video: The term “Sharia Law” gets thrown around a lot these days. But (as with most things), the people shouting on the internet and television are incorrect. So to clear things up, a group of Muslim Americans explain what Sharia law means to them.