How To Reduce Your Energy Bill With Minimal Cost And Sacrifice
As soon as you move out on your own and start paying your own utility bills, it’s a bit of a rude awakening just how much energy costs. If energy usage is something you’ve never thought about before, it can take a minute to get into the habit of not just turning off lights when…
Stop Procrastinating by Doing Your Future Self a ‘Favour’
When it comes to doing things we don’t want to do, we’re in a constant battle between our current selves and our future selves. We could either, let’s say, do our taxes that are due very soon, or continue to read this book we’re really into right now and leave the tax prep to our…
Create A ‘Help Wanted’ Bulletin Board For Family Chores
After a long week at school, kids don’t necessarily want to spend their weekend pitching in on household chores. They’d rather be watching TV than vacuuming. Or building a new Lego creation instead of folding towels. (So would we, kids. So would we.) They can be especially resistant to chores that fall outside of their…
How To Properly Hand Wash Dishes In The Sink
There are a lot of things you shouldn’t be putting in the dishwasher, if you’re lucky enough to have one. That means putting on the gloves and getting to scrubbing, yes, but there’s also a right and wrong way to hand wash most things.