canadian cuisine
Your Pancakes Need Apple Cider Syrup
Apple cider syrup is the dirty martini of pancake syrups. Pure maple syrup may be the delicate, classic choice, but there’s a certain kind of wayward satisfaction when you make a syrup out of something intended for drinking. This technique is dead simple, cheaper than real maple syrup, and gives you the concentrated snap of…
You Should Bake the Biscuit Scraps With Your Biscuits
Southern cooks — or, more accurately, Southern eaters — have a lot of opinions about a lot of foods. Even if you don’t make the grits, fish, or beans, you probably have thoughts about how they should be prepared. Biscuits are particularly good at generating debate — even something as simple as the shape can…
You Should Make This Two-Ingredient Cheesy Pasta Sauce
I am old enough to remember when sun-dried tomatoes first fell out of fashion. They were everywhere: in savoury pastries, grilled chicken pasta dishes, mashed into cheese spreads, and then — suddenly — they were gone, gauche, unwelcome.
This Two-Ingredient Maple Cream Cheese Is Basically Frosting
Perhaps it is my age or perhaps it is the fact that I am a creature of habit — the habits may be chaotic but they are habits nonetheless — but I have been having a heck of a time getting back into my groove after a uniquely chaotic first week of March. A few…