
  • What Kind of Burnt Out Are You? (And Why It Matters)

    What Kind of Burnt Out Are You? (And Why It Matters)

    By now, many of us are burnt out. In addition to the stresses about our health and safety, we’ve had to worry about job losses, changes in working conditions, as well as juggling family and work in a way that is even more exhausting than the usual. (And the usual wasn’t all that great either.)…

  • How to Fight Burnout, With Writer Anne Helen Petersen

    How to Fight Burnout, With Writer Anne Helen Petersen

    It’s very likely that you (and almost everyone around you) are suffering some degree of burnout right about now. Between work, various debts, the pandemic, the financial crisis and the precarious nature of our future, it’s hard to feel like you can stop and take a breather. Fortunately, this week we’re talking with journalist and…

  • How To Avoid Burnout In The Middle Of A Pandemic

    Burnout is defined as a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged stress. Given the nonstop barrage of stressors these past few months, many of us are probably well on our way to developing burnout, if we aren’t there already.

  • Rest Can Be Just As Productive As Work

    We already know that we need a certain amount of rest, every day, to maintain our health and prevent burnout. But a lot of us don’t take that rest, even if we desperately need it, because we feel like we ought to spend our time being “productive.”