building engineering

  • 9 Weird Noises Your Houses Is Making and What They Mean

    9 Weird Noises Your Houses Is Making and What They Mean

    Most of us like our houses to be quiet, peaceful places, but we also accept that no house is perfectly silent. While a creaking floor or a noisy radiator might be part of the charm of an older home, sometimes a noisy house is trying to tell you something, and that something might be expensive…

  • How to Tell If a House Has ‘Good Bones’

    How to Tell If a House Has ‘Good Bones’

    Not-so-recently built homes are often described by realtors as having “good bones,” meaning a strong structure and high level of quality and craftsmanship at their core. Of course, you can’t see beneath the paint and drywall when house-hunting, so how can you tell if the home you’ve got your eye on has this desirable skeleton?…

  • How to Fill Holes Around the Pipes Under Your Kitchen Sink

    How to Fill Holes Around the Pipes Under Your Kitchen Sink

    Home repair or improvement projects rarely involve tackling a single problem, and then being done. Instead, one often leads to another — either because in the process of fixing or installing something, you discover additional things that need to be addressed, or because the process required to make the original repair ended up creating the…