branches of philosophy

  • How to Build Meaningful Relationships, According to Plato

    How to Build Meaningful Relationships, According to Plato

    When we’re younger, maybe our relationships are more grounded in the physical than the spiritual and emotional. But underlying the foundation of any enduring relationship is a certain kind of love, and at the crux of this spiritual connection are the teachings of the philosopher Plato.

  • How to Understand Your Child’s Temperament

    How to Understand Your Child’s Temperament

    As parents, we have a tendency to view our child’s moods and behaviour as a reflection of our parenting. When you see someone’s easy, outgoing child who is able to adapt to a sudden change in plans and you think, “Man, those parents are doing a great job.” Meanwhile, your child is quick to anger…

  • I’m an Atheist; How Do I Talk to My Kids About Religion?

    I’m an Atheist; How Do I Talk to My Kids About Religion?

    When it comes to religion, parents — atheist parents, in particular — may find themselves stumbling to explain to their kids why other families believe in certain things, but we don’t. There are an endless amount of “Big Talks” we have with our kids over the course of their childhood, but talks about religion are…