borderline personality disorder

  • What to Do If You Think Your Partner Has Borderline Personality Disorder

    What to Do If You Think Your Partner Has Borderline Personality Disorder

    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental disorder that affects the way you perceive yourself and others. Those with BPD can have difficulty regulating their emotions, face issues with self image, and experience a pattern of unstable relationships. At the core of the disorder is an intense fear of abandonment, which can make romantic relationships…

  • How to Lower Your Teenager’s Risk of Suicide

    How to Lower Your Teenager’s Risk of Suicide

    Warning: This article deals with the topic of suicide and may be triggering for some. If you’re in need of support, help is available Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14. Suicide rates among America’s youth have been on the rise since 2007 — and the pandemic has only made things worse. No parent wants to…