
  • Celebrate My Birthday With This Bitter, Herbaceous Beverage

    I have been celebrating my birthday since Sunday, and it has involved a not insignificant amount of drinking. I’ve had margaritas in Mississippi, a Viuex Carré at Carousel Bar and a really dank grasshopper here in Portland. And now — in typical Leo fashion — I’m asking you to continue celebrating with me with a…

  • Use These Two Types Of Amaro With Dark Spirits

    Use These Two Types Of Amaro With Dark Spirits

    I am not against simply sipping on an amaro or five, as they are usually so full of flavour that they don’t need much. I also enjoy them with a little carbonated water. But my amaro-focused worldview sometimes makes me forget that these sweet and herbal little numbers go great in full-fledged cocktails, particularly those…

  • Spike Your Cola With Woodsy Cynar

    Spike Your Cola With Woodsy Cynar

    “Something and Coke” barely qualify as cocktails. But you can’t deny that they are delicious, particularly when you pair cola with a complex, herbaceous liqueur such as my good friend Cynar.