
  • What’s a Good Resting Heart Rate, Anyway?

    What’s a Good Resting Heart Rate, Anyway?

    The ubiquity of activity trackers means access to health data we previously never thought about, such as the number of steps we take, the hours we sleep, and our real-time heart rate. When it comes to heart rate, you might be wondering what, if anything, your resting heart rate says about your health. Resting heart…

  • Why Your Seeds Aren’t Sprouting

    Why Your Seeds Aren’t Sprouting

    While our elementary school science classes may have taught us the basics about seeds and how to plant them, if you’ve gotten into gardening as an adult, you’ve probably figured out that there’s plenty more to learn. And unfortunately, growing a plant isn’t necessarily as simple as putting a few seeds in dirt and adding…

  • You Should Be Using Orange Peels in Your Garden

    You Should Be Using Orange Peels in Your Garden

    After you’ve finished eating or juicing an orange, your first instinct might be to throw the remnants away. Of course, what you do with your own food scraps is your business, but you should know that orange peels have so much more to give — especially if you have a garden.