best buy

  • Why You Should Never Plug In an Unknown USB Device

    Why You Should Never Plug In an Unknown USB Device

    Let’s set the scene: You’re out in the world, doing what you do, when you stumble upon an abandoned USB flash drive. What could be inside? Perhaps it’s simply someone’s spreadsheets from work — maybe alongside some information identifying the owner, allowing you to return it. But also, maybe government secrets? The only way to…

  • What to Know Before You Try to Replace an Old iPhone Battery

    What to Know Before You Try to Replace an Old iPhone Battery

    Today’s tech lasts a long time. Gone are the days of needing to upgrade your smartphone every other year; now, an iPhone from 2015 might be serving you just fine, save for maybe your battery. Luckily, replacing it is much cheaper than buying a new iPhone. And while you should absolutely replace an old battery…

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying a Refurbished Smartphone

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying a Refurbished Smartphone

    The prices of flagship smartphones keep climbing higher and higher. At this point, if you want to buy the latest and greatest, you need to shell out more than a thousand dollars. But before you do that, it’s a good idea to take a look at refurbished smartphones. Refurbished smartphones — especially those sold straight…