
  • This Caramelised Pickle Dip Slaps

    This Caramelised Pickle Dip Slaps

    When I was 10, I “wrote” a parody version of Melissa Etheridge’s “I’m the Only One,” switching out the sapphic longing for pickle cravings. Unfortunately, the only lyrics I can remember are, “But I’m the only one who’ll walk across the fire for pickles/ and I’m the only one who’ll drown in my desire for…

  • You Can Turn a Bag of Frozen Hash Browns Into a Pot of Soup

    You Can Turn a Bag of Frozen Hash Browns Into a Pot of Soup

    Potatoes are incredible, and I have been eating a lot of them. I was/am on a big baked Yukon kick, but now I’ve shifted into soup mode with this deeply savoury, creamy, and incidentally dairy-free potato and onion soup. (The sour cream on top is not dairy-free, but you can omit it.) This soup has…