behind the app

  • Behind The App: The Story Of Kali Linux

    Behind The App: The Story Of Kali Linux

    If you’ve ever tried to crack Wi-Fi passwords or test for security vulnerabilities on your network, then you’re probably familiar with Kali Linux. It’s a security-focused version of Linux that offers a multitude of tools to seek out weaknesses and secure your network.

  • Behind The App: The Story Of Alfred

    Behind The App: The Story Of Alfred

    Alfred, as its congenial, obedient name suggests, is like a butler for your Mac. It’s an app launcher, a search utility, and a general productivity tool that lets you automate aspects of your workflow without ever having to lift your fingers from your keyboard.

  • Behind The App: The Story Of Circa

    Behind The App: The Story Of Circa

    It’s hard to follow the news when you’re trying to read lengthy articles on your phone. Circa is an app that tries to solve that problem by simplifying the presentation of news stories and distilling complicated concepts into easily digestible cards.