attachment theory

  • Why You Shouldn’t Call Your Partner ‘Needy’

    Why You Shouldn’t Call Your Partner ‘Needy’

    If you’ve ever thought of a partner as “needy,” in a way, you might be right — according to attachment theory, an anxious attachment can develop in adults who received inconsistent caregiving and did not have their needs met in childhood. Anxiously attached adults often seek approval, support, and reassurance from their partners. However, labelling…

  • How to Tell If Someone Is Emotionally Available

    How to Tell If Someone Is Emotionally Available

    There’s a big difference between dating and dating, like, seriously. You can go on a bunch of dates with one person over a series of months and not really be together — but it can be hard to figure out why, exactly, the relationship isn’t deepening. The other person might simply be emotionally unavailable. Here’s…