ask lh

  • What Are The Best Alternatives To Milk?

    What Are The Best Alternatives To Milk?

    Dear Lifehacker, I’ve heard cow’s milk is actually bad for you, or at least not beneficial when compared to the many alternative options. But if I shouldn’t drink milk, what’s the best alternative? Are any of them good? I’ve heard good and bad things about most, so how do I decide?

  • Telstra Is Down To Three NBN Plans. But Which One Is Best?

    Last year, Telstra embarked on a business blitzkrieg, demolishing thousands of legacy plans as it sought to consolidate its core offerings. While much has been written about Telstra’s new mobile plans, the same strategy has been employed across broadband and the NBN. So which plan offers the best bang for buck? Let’s take a look.

  • Is It Legal To Cross Tram Tracks In NSW? [Updated]

    Trams are a new-old thing recently re-introduced to Sydney. With the roll-out of trams across the city and police fining pedestrians for jaywalking near Central Station, there’s now confusion surrounding the state’s strict jaywalking laws. Here’s what you can and can’t do when it comes to trams in NSW — Newcastle included.

  • Ask LH: How Can I Improve My Posture At Work?

    Dear Lifehacker, I work in a typical 9-to-five office job. I can tell my posture isn’t ideal and I catch myself slouching all the time. But when I try to consciously sit up straight, it quickly becomes uncomfortable and I slip right back to where I started within the hour. Do you have any beginner-friendly…